Ist das die ultimative selfie? Ohio Mann nimmt beeindruckende Bild eines aktiven Vulkans, des Mondes und der Milchstraße. Fotograf Shane Black erfasst das Bild nahe dem Gipfel des Mauna Kea auf der Big Island, Hawaii. Black erstellt das Bild durch Zusammennähen 23 Einzelbilder alle Schuss mit dem Auslöser 15 Sekunden lang geöffnet. Der Fotograf hat ganz Amerika Fotografieren Sterne in verschiedenen Positionen gereist
Is this the ultimate selfie? Ohio man takes stunning picture of an active volcano, the moon and the Milky Way. Photographer Shane Black captured the image near the summit of Mauna Kea, on the Big Island, Hawaii. Black created the image by stitching together 23 individual frames all shot with the shutter open for 15 seconds.The photographer has traveled across America photographing stars in different positions.
Is this the ultimate selfie? Ohio man takes stunning picture of an active volcano, the moon and the Milky Way. Photographer Shane Black captured the image near the summit of Mauna Kea, on the Big Island, Hawaii. Black created the image by stitching together 23 individual frames all shot with the shutter open for 15 seconds.The photographer has traveled across America photographing stars in different positions.
Starrte in einen aktiven Vulkan mit dem Mond und Milchstraße Beleuchtung des Nachthimmels kann Shane Black, die Welt ultimative Urlaubsfoto aufgenommen haben. Die atemberaubende Bild wurde von der Profi-Fotograf in der Nähe von dem Gipfel des Mauna Kea auf Hawaii, USA, fast 14,000ft hoch gemacht. In der Ferne kann das Licht von einem anderen Vulkan Kilauea, gesehen durch den Nebel bricht, während der Mond leuchtet die gegenüberliegende Ecke des Himmels.
Staring down into an active volcano with the moon and Milky Way illuminating the night sky, Shane Black may have captured the world's ultimate holiday snap. The breathtaking image was taken by the professional photographer near the summit of Mauna Kea on Hawaii, USA, nearly 14,000ft high. In the distance, the light from another volcano, Kilauea, can be seen breaking through the mist, while the moon lights up the opposite corner of the sky.
Staring down into an active volcano with the moon and Milky Way illuminating the night sky, Shane Black may have captured the world's ultimate holiday snap. The breathtaking image was taken by the professional photographer near the summit of Mauna Kea on Hawaii, USA, nearly 14,000ft high. In the distance, the light from another volcano, Kilauea, can be seen breaking through the mist, while the moon lights up the opposite corner of the sky.
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